The Movement Random-X is a classic European touring ski. Just remember that classic touring in Europe often involves situations many Americans would find rather unsafe. In other words, the Random-X is designed to perform predictably on variable terrain and is ideally suited for skiers who often find themselves in tricky situtations. If that sounds like you, please note that these skis will enable you to get into many such tricky situations far from civilization since they only weigh 960 grams (~2.1 pounds) [167cm]. That is possible due to Thin Ply Technology, which is a patented process that involves weaving carbon fibers around the ultralight Karuba and poplar wood core. The result is a traditional camber ski that you can rely on.
- Ultra light selection of Karuba Paulownia wood core with poplar reinforements for a good blend of rebound and weight.
- Carbon fiber is spun around the core in a rigid torsion box using patented North Thin Ply Technology (TPT).
- Classic camber is designed to give the most secure edge hold possible.
- P-Tex 4000 is baked onto the bases to give smooth gliding core protection.
- Excellent crossover ski between touring and skimo racing.
** Telemarkers: Movement does not recommend mounting telemark bindings on these skis.
Movement Random-X Ski